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Final Ping Pong

I was able to produce a ping pong game that contained two paddles, which can be controlled by two players. Player1 uses the W key and S...

Final Project: Ping Pong

For my final project, I will make a virtual ping pong game using p5.js and the applications of microbit. This will be a two player game...


The main focus of my project was to portray a house decorated with Christmas lights on Christmas Day. The idea is to use sensor detection...

Project Progress

So far, I have made progress by completing the coding for the Christmas Carol music for the project. I have also completed the house on...

Project progress

So far, the project is slowly developing, taking it one step at a time. The "House" is currently under construction and there are still...

The 2nd Christmas

For my project idea, I decided that it would be interesting to use sculptures and the effects of LED lights together to make a beautiful...

Project #1

In this project, I used a combination of leds, pauses, icon, and a string. I used 5 leds to make symbols to represent each letter in my...


San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge lights up the night *This extravagant project seems like it...

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