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  • Writer's pictureEbrima Touray


The main focus of my project was to portray a house decorated with Christmas lights on Christmas Day. The idea is to use sensor detection to manipulate the light decorations to turn on and off, depending on the distance of the house from the sensor. To do such a thing, I used tools such as the Maya program to create and 3-D print the house to make it physical. I used LED lights as the decoration for the project, and with the use of micro-bit to program and manipulate the function of the lights. in order to program it, I used conditionals, this way the lights will react to the results of conditionals. If the result meets the requirement of the first conditional, then certain set of lights would light up, while some stay off. However, if it fails to do so, it would read the second conditional and if that meets the requirement, then certain lights would turn on as well. If both conditionals are not met, then all the lights would light up as a Christmas decorated house would.

I came across many challenges that prevented me from completely making the project work as it was supposed to. When I created the house, I believed that it would be printed out with a hollow interior, but instead it was filled in. This ruined the set up I had for the project because the wiring were originally meant to inserted inside of the house to make the LED lights light up the house from inside. To make improvise, I placed the lights outside of the house connected to alligator clips. Also, due to the scarcity of resources, I wasn't able to completely decorate the house, so I placed two LED light on its roof to serve as signal lights. Another issue I encountered was incorrect coding. My coding seems to be off, since the distance sensor only sensed 0, making it only light up one LED bulb.

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